Aspects of Organization of Physical Education Classes in Modern Higher Education in Ukraine

Author Details

Grinko V, Kudelko V

Journal Details


Published: 8 May 2020 | Article Type :


This article presents the results of a study of the analysis of theoretical and methodological aspects of the  organization of physical education classes for students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine of III - IV  levels of accreditation. The following methods were used to process the collected information: theoretical analysis  and generalization - used to study the state of the problem under study; substantiation of the relevance of the issues studied; discussion of empirical data; pedagogical observation - to clarify the content and methods of  conducting classes on physical education, as well as determining the activity and interest of students in the classroom; pedagogical testing was used to determine the state of physical fitness; biomedical methods - to determine the level of physical development and physical performance; methods of mathematical statistics used to  interpret the results. According to the study, the following results were established: forms of training and education record a variety of modifications of the internal structures of classes, a certain relationship between content and form; conservative forms of organization of classes, especially those that are mandatory, impede the educational and educational nature of these classes, which do not meet new requirements, new external factors; the introduction of aerobic classes will positively affect the quality of the educational and educational process.

Keywords: aerobic classes, organization of classes, physical qualities, physical fitness, modern higher education.

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How to Cite


Grinko V, Kudelko V. (2020-05-08). "Aspects of Organization of Physical Education Classes in Modern Higher Education in Ukraine." *Volume 2*, 2, 5-13